Therapeutic Massage provides tremendous benefits in many ways. Whether you simply want a moment of pleasant relaxation or seek relief from acute or chronic pain.
Massage Therapy provides wonderful benefits to people of all ages from infants to the elderly. In addition to providing relief to the sick, the injured and those suffering from anxiety or stress, therapeutic massage also successfully works proactively to help prevent illness and painful conditions before they develop.
Most importantly, Therapeutic Massage, in its many forms, provides an overall sense of mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Some Massage Therapy Benefits
- Reduces depression and anxiety
- Reduces the flow of stress hormones
- Improves sleep
- Boosts the immune system
- Improves energy levels and reduces fatigue
- Improves concentration
- Increases circulation
- Reduces frequency of headaches
- Improves Lymphatic drainage
- Releases endorphins
- Reduces chronic pain
- Improves joint mobility
- Helps repair injured muscles for fast recovery